Little known amazing powers of a Shopify add to cart popup
October 28, 20226 min read
5/5 - (10 votes) Insightful Post 💯
Shopify add to cart popups seem to be new to some Shopify store owners. But, in fact, this type of popup is increasingly utilized by emerging successful ecommerce entrepreneurs.
If you haven’t tried using this popup yet, then you had better have a look at this blog.
In this blog, I’m going to show you how to create a Shopify add to cart popup and put it into practice so that you can get more leads and potential customers.
After reading this blog, I can ensure that you can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to increasing the conversion rate. Let’s get the ball rolling!
When visitors click on your store address somewhere on the Internet (maybe from your social media sites), the high chance is that they will be led to your homepage first. In this sense, your homepage must have online feature examples website editors have designed for a standard Shopify store.
But, it’s not enough because if you get your online retail store designed the same as many others, you will never stand out from the crowd.
Right now, I will tell you a secret weapon that helps you turn visitors into customers. This weapon is often used in email marketing campaigns, as well. That is a Shopify add to cart popup.
Just imagine, when your visitors land on your homepage the first time and can’t decide which page they should go to, an appealing add to cart popup appears in front of their eyes. This add to cart Shopify popup offers up to 70% off sale for a specific product.
In the video below, the promoted product is a “sweet orange cross stitch pattern”. What’s more, the popup contains a Countdown Timer as well as an animated call to action button, which spurs visitors to add the product to their cart immediately.
As you expected, your visitors couldn’t resist but to click on the add to cart button. Shortly after, they will be directed to a landing page of the displayed product. It comes as no surprise to see visitors making a purchase.
As you can see from the video, “The Art of Stitch” shop uses MyShopKit popups, smartbars, and slide-in to help drive sales. If you also wish to witness an increase in sales, you are welcome to install our app.
Honestly speaking, this Shopify add to cart popup created by MyShopKit is not only eye-catching but also effective in increasing conversion rates. It successfully deals with the customer’s psychology in favor of discounted prices and afraid of missing a good deal.
You see, in this way, your visitors will save a lot of time browsing all products and also money thanks to sale prices.
In case you don’t want to promote one particular product, you can also display the Shopify add to cart popup on a product page. You give visitors the opportunity to go through product collections of their interest. Then, a Shopify popup comes out in the middle of the screen offering a coupon code for 50% sale off. No one in the world wants to miss the bargain, right?
Visitors will drop their email addresses in the blink of an eye to get a discount code. You had better send a coupon code via email as soon as possible so that the visitors can make a checkout quickly. This Shopify add to cart popup obviously aids you in growing a mailing list more easily and reducing cart abandonment.
Another feasible solution to reducing cart abandonment is a Shopify popup on a cart page. A certain number of potential customers are hesitant to check out since they feel the checkout process is time-consuming and hard to understand, especially overseas customers. But, when a popup appears and ensures a speedy checkout process, the customers can be rest assured to have quick and easy checkout.
This popup hardly annoys customers as it is displayed in their buying flow. Instead, it makes them more confident in making purchases and trust in your retail ecommerce experience. Everything related to the checkout and delivery process is updated in customers’ email inboxes.
Take a look at the following video to see how the MyShopKit popup works on a cart page.
MyShopKit: Shopify add to cart popup on a cart page
If you are impressed with the above popup templates from our MyShopKit Shopify Popup, you can install this wonderful popup app on Shopify App Store FOR FREE.
No coding knowledge required No photoshopping skills required
In case your customers wish to continue shopping after adding one item to their cart, rather than making a checkout immediately. You can install a third-party app such as Mini Cart to avoid disturbing their buying flow.
How to add an add to cart button in shopify?
You might desire to add an add to cart button on more pages in Shopify. If so, you can find the possible answer with an add to cart button shopify code. Give it a try and tell us whether you succeed or not. Or, you are encouraged to raise this problem in the Shopify community, you might get the answer you want.
How to see what was added to cart shopify?
Here we got the reply from a Shopify Support staff member – Julie. Reviewing your abandoned checkouts under Orders > Abandoned checkouts is the quickest approach to discover which goods are being placed in to cart. When you export your orders, you may also export abandoned checkouts, making them easy to view in a spreadsheet. Keep in mind that abandoned checkouts will only reveal goods that were added to carts if the consumer completes the checkout process before leaving it.
How to change text content on a cart page?
One retail eCommerce store owner raises the problem of removing the line “shipping and taxes will be calculated at checkout”, which may scare customers away when he already advertises free shipping on his site. If you have the same dilemma as his, you should do as follows: Go to Online Store > Themes in the admin panel. Select “Edit languages” from the “Actions” dropdown in the current theme. The text you wish to edit is under the “Cart” tab.
Shopify popups: Final words
Besides Shopify add to cart popups, the store owners may also want to experiment with other email popups such as exit intent popups, announcement bars, and slide-in so as to execute effective email marketing campaigns and boost cross-sell.
Hope you can make the most of Shopify to increase profit. If you still don’t have any ideas to do so, you are encouraged to read the embedded blog.